Beach Huts Spring Action

Beach Huts Spring Action

Spring Action

Battle for Your Beach Hut!

Named after Mars, the God of War, the month of March also sees the Spring Equinox.  This is when light beats darkness as the days become longer than the nights. So if you’re a beach hut owner – go visit your beach hut.  For now is the time for Beach Huts Spring Action and battle for your beach hut.

As spring starts to bloom everywhere, it’s the perfect time to do battle with your beach hut and get to grips with the multitude of repair and maintenance jobs that you’ve been putting off all winter!

Beach Hut Damage Decoded

Haven’t you visited your hut much during the chilly December/January/February months. Then the first thing to do is check for any damage that might have occurred over the winter.

This doesn’t just include signs of wear and tear but potentially more serious issues, all the consequences of cold or wet winter weather:

  • Cracks or splits in wood walls
  • Leaks in the roof
  • Rusty metal fixtures
  • Rotten supports or flooring

Repairing any of these things should be your first priority. If it’s something structural that’s too big for a bit of DIY you shouldn’t be afraid of getting professional help.

As the custodian of a little bit of British seaside history and tradition there are always going to be some responsibilities where you simply mustn’t cut corners.

Painting and sealing your beach hut to a certain standard is something most people can do for themselves. Not only does this protect it from the elements but it’s usually a condition of ownership in most places too. Often there will be restrictions on the types of materials that can be used.  This may even apply to which colours you can choose for the walls and roof. Make sure to check your local council website to be up to date with any changes.

Spring Interior Motives

Maintaining the interior means more than keeping it clean and dry too. Mould or mildew can be common problems – these are not only unsightly but can be health concerns. Soft furnishings can be particularly susceptible to damp over-winter conditions. Make sure you clean them thoroughly for the new season. Alternatively, treat yourself to some new ones or store them at home over the winter.

Of course as well as the duties of the Spring Clean there are more fun aspects to owning a beach hut at this time of year too. Thinking of new ways to decorate the interior, maybe sprucing up the furnishings or installing some new battery-powered lighting can be creative and fun. There are always new ideas and gadgets that can be used to make things different this summer, whether it’s for entertaining friends and family or simply adding a little bit of luxury to some well-earned ‘me’ time over the coming months.

Beach Huts Spring Action

Are you, as a beach hutter, about to embark on your beach hut Spring Action and do battle with winter’s ravages? Would you like to share your beach hut spring ideas?  Do share with me at  and send in your pictures too!  I’d love to share your great Spring ideas on our Instagram account .