Furnish Rental Property

Furnish Rental Property

“Should I furnish my rental property?”

To furnish or not to furnish rental property

Landlords often ask us whether or not they should furnish rental property.

Furnishing” usually means everything required to live reasonably comfortably in a property.  It also includes white goods, with the exception of bedding and personal possessions.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.  Tenants come in all shapes and sizes!  Consider the type of Tenant you expect to attract, as this will usually determine whether it will be worth furnishing, or offering an unfurnished blank canvas:

  1. The Student Rental:

    By definition, students are usually young.  They are likely to have been living with parents until they start university.  They come with books, bedding, smartphone and a few kitchen utensils.  Students will almost certainly require furniture, although they may not expect the highest quality.  They are likely to enjoy gaming, so large screen HD TV will pay dividends.

  2. The Professional Couple:

    A young couple may be combining two single homes.   They are therefore likely to have items such as kitchenware, TV and occasional items of furniture.  But they may still appreciate the option of larger items such as sofas, bed and wardrobes.  It can be worthwhile being flexible here and offering to add or remove furniture to suit.

  3. The Executive Property:

    Houses, or more usually city apartments, that are likely to let to a corporate executive will almost certainly need to be furnished – and to a high standard.  The Tenant (or their employer) will usually pay a premium for turn-key medium-term well-furnished accommodation.    

  4. The Family:

    An established family is likely already to have everything they need.  They probably appreciate the freedom and space to put their own furniture in place.

Your property’s appeal

Generally speaking, and with the exception of the Executive let, furnishing a property does not necessarily increase the rent chargeable.  It can however slightly widen its appeal.  Tenants who rent an unfurnished property tend to stay longer.  This is because they are likely to have an entire household of belongings.  This suggests that they regard your property as their home and are not just “passing through”.

Most of our tenancies are longer term (18 – 24 months plus). We aim to meet with our Landlords’ preferences in reducing risk and maximising yield.

Tell us if you’d like us to advise on your likely Tenant, and consequent furnishing requirements, of your own investment property. No charge or obligation, and sincere, good advice offered with a smile!

Call Callaways Lettings Team on 01273 735237 or enquiries@callaways.co.uk