Beach Hut Xmas Decor

Beach Hut Xmas Decor

“Beach Hut Xmas Decor”

Decor for under £50!

We all love putting up the decorations at Christmastime. Many beach hut owners love to get into the festive spirit by giving their very own place on the prom a festive makeover.  Have you given any thought to your Beach Hut Xmas décor for under £50?  Follow our simple tips and ideas to give your beach hut an instant festive makeover.

Apart from just having some extra fun, this year Brighton and Hove beach ‘hutters’ can take part in what looks like becoming a yearly Yuletide event, namely the Hove Beach Hut Association’s decoration drive.

Last year the inaugural event had more than 50 huts take part and this time round the HBHA are hoping for even more.

The ‘Open Doors’ event takes place on 17 December between 4-6pm and apart from transformed places on the prom there will also be music, and lots of good cheer to make up a festive party atmosphere.

You don’t have to be a hut owner to enjoy the fun.  We encourage you to start at the western end of the Lagoon and walk to the eastern huts near Grand Avenue to get the full experience (or vice versa).

But if you have a hut and want to take part, it’s easy.


Xmas Décor-ations

Inexpensive LED lighting makes for a great way to brighten up your hut. Just make sure you get battery powered ones. LED candles are also a great idea and of course the heatless energy of these lights means there is absolutely no fire risk too.

Going miniature is a great way of keeping to a beach hut theme, with small Christmas trees (either real or artificial).  And yes, you can hang the usual suspects such as holly and mistletoe in your hut.  These are all simple ways to create some genuine Christmas cheer!

Even though we’ve had an unseasonably mild autumn so far, don’t forget to keep warm so stock up on some festive blankets and maybe make use of USB-powered hand warmers too.

The great thing about all of this is that it doesn’t mean spending a fortune. This year we’re all feeling the pinch, but there are still many ways to decorate your hut without breaking the bank.

Charity begins in Hove

Charity shops are always a great place to look and particularly worthy of your custom at this time of year. Likewise, old ‘deccies’ from last year could be re-purposed.  Online outlets such as Dunelm (there’s a great store in Eastern Avenue, Shoreham by Sea) have lots of great options starting from a pound that can be really cost-effective. Etsy is another fantastic place to find unique and quirky ideas, often bespoke and handmade, so your hut can really stand out from the crowd.

We’d love to hear how you plan to decorate your beach hut this Xmas – only caveat – it has to be under £50!

Here at Callaways’ Darling Beach Huts we have an all-year round passion about these unique features of the British seaside. But at Christmas everything takes on a little more meaning, especially when it’s to do with creating memories that you can cherish forever.

Call us for details of available Beach Huts on 01273-735237 or get in touch with