Valentine Special – Is your home irresistible?

Valentine Special – Is your home irresistible?

Valentine Special

Is your home irresistible?

Enticing buyers into your home is akin to going on a blind date.  You don’t know who the buyers are but you want them to fall in love with your home, just as you did.  So just like a personal love match you should show your home in its best light and captivate a would-be suitor.   Preparation is key.  Here are my easy, guaranteed, seduction tips to make sure your home is irresistible.  

Looks Sell

A good-looking property will attract buyers – so make sure you have that all important kerb appeal.  First impressions really do count when it comes to potential buyers.  They say people make up their minds within 30 seconds of seeing a property from the outside.  So make those 30 seconds count and tick off those essential DIY jobs.


Do you or don’t you KISS on a first date?  When it comes to property you definitely do, so it’s important to keep it simple and serene.  We all tend to accumulate a large amount of clutter – get rid of it!  It will make the space feel larger.  And when it’s time for you to move, it will be one less thing to do. 

Dress Sense

How to dress – The best advice is to show off rooms in neutral shades of whites, off-whites and beiges. The idea here is to appeal to the broadest of style tastes.  This is because neutral colours and moderate furnishings will allow buyers to envisage their own style in the home. You want buyers to say, “I can see myself living here.”

The Food of Love

According to research, fresh bread and coffee are in peoples’ top five favourite aromas and known to make a house attractive to house buyers.  But you can achieve a similar sensory experience with the use of a vase of fresh-cut flowers and scented candles or diffusers.

These easy to apply tips are proven bait for buyers and will captivate their heart.

I’m Heather and after 22 moves (so far) during my lifetime I offer moving tips and home staging advice free to all our clients.  For help in moving, book a free home-move consultation and valuation, call me!

With property love,
