News & Articles

Beach Hut Fire Safety

Beach Hut Fire Safety

Beach Hut Fire Safety Remember, Remember, Fire & Timber! When the temperature drops, November often feels more like winter than autumn. Stormy weather (thanks Ciaran) seems to be more frequent at this time of year these days.

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Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse Weather Conditions

THURSDAY, 2 NOVEMBER 2023 Weather Warning The Met Office has issued a weather warning advising  *NOT TO TRAVEL unless absolutely necessary. Please phone before journeying to our offices.  We have a skeleton staff today, Thursday 2 November, due to adverse weather conditions caused by Storm Ciaran.

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Rental Landscape 2023

Rental Landscape 2023

Rental Landscape 2023 Navigating the Rental Landscape for the rest of 2023: Trends and Projections Higher mortgage rates and the cost of living have temporarily deterred some First Time Buyers from entering the property market.

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Hallowe’en Huts

Hallowe’en Huts

"Hallowe'en Huts" Spooky October Hallowe'en Hallowe'en has become a big event in the UK in recent years. In many ways it has taken over from the traditions of Bonfire night a week later. Making the old Guy Fawkes effigies used to be a kids’ favourite, but today the more commercialised Hallowe'en costumes are more popular with young and old alike.

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Upfront Information – Property Seller’s Guide

Upfront Information – Property Seller’s Guide

Upfront Information - Property Seller’s Guide Upfront information is simply the information about a property that a seller has prepared in advance, ready to disclose to a potential buyer. This is not to be confused with material information which is what should be disclosed before a property can be listed for sale.

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Beach Huts “Back to School”

Beach Huts “Back to School”

Back To School... Back To Reality! Traditionally, September is the month when farmers harvest their crops. In times gone by, this was connected to the autumnal equinox that occurs towards the end of the month, the 24 hour period when the hours of day and night are equal.

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Rental Scams-Protect Your Property

Rental Scams-Protect Your Property

Rental Scams How to protect your rental property As economic challenges persist, fraudulent activities have seen a surge.  Therefore, it comes as no surprise that some individuals resort to illegal means when struggling to secure a desirable tenancy.

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Beach Huts Use your Loaf

Beach Huts Use your Loaf

BEACH HUTS Use Your Loaf Pass the Sandwiches! Supermarket white sliced, artisan sourdough or even homemade, everyone has a favourite type of loaf. What's more, this versatile staple of human diets the world over has so many different applications that bread really does offer something for everyone.

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Beach Huts Picnics & Ice Cream

Beach Huts Picnics & Ice Cream

"Beach Huts" Picnics & Ice Cream Are You Celebrating Picnic Month or Ice Cream Month? July is usually expected to be the hottest month of the year in the UK. On 18 and 19 July 2022,  temperatures of over 40°C were recorded for the first time in the country.

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Considering HMO?

Considering HMO?

Considering HMO? How to Convert a Property into an HMO The cost-of-living crisis is impacting everyone, including landlords. This is despite the fact that the UK has seen rapid rent increases over the past year.

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