Investing in Buy to Let

Investing in Buy to Let

“Buy to Let”

Investing in Buy to Let

The property market has historically been fuelled from below.  In other words, First Time Buyers have paved the way for Sellers to move onward and upward. Is now the time for you to consider investing in Buy to Let?

However, there has been a dramatic rise in property prices over the past decades, followed by mortgage funding difficulties.  These combined mean that there has been a decline in the number of First Time Buyers (FTB) able to get their foot on the ladder.  The average age of a FTB has risen to 37.

Whilst this is clearly unfortunate for young people wishing to buy, it does not mean all out gloom for the property market as a whole.  It is simply a reflection of a shift in lifestyles changing the socio-economic shape of the market.

If fewer young people are buying, then more are renting, which has provided a huge Buy-to-Let opportunity for the wise investor.

Property Shortfall

There are several other factors that support this view. Firstly, according to market researchers Mintel, over the next few years, there will be a predicted shortfall of over half a million properties available to purchase.  This will inevitably maintain some degree of pressure on prices. Secondly, there is an expected rise of 8% in the student population; there will also be a surge in the number of single households to 1.2 million.

Add to this an increasingly flexible job market, investor awareness of buying opportunities as an alternative to the stock market, and we have the recipe for considerable growth. Managing a property investment is not without its complexities.  Here at Callaways, we have many happy Landlords for whom Buy-to-Let has been a very sound investment decision.

So what are you waiting for? Call us on 01273-735237 or for local property investment advice.  We’d be happy to talk you through the opportunities.